Europe, Africa and Middle East

Burgos, Spain

On July 10th, attend the conference held by Pierre Guichebard, Fermentation Scientist for Symrise's Food Protection Platform, at Food Micro in Burgos, Spain.

Fermented plant substrate as a new antifungal solution
Food Micro | July 10th, 2024 | 4:30 pm | English

Among the various obstacles a pet food product can encounter during its lifetime, molds and yeasts are among the most feared. Antifungals are commonly used to prevent product spoilage and its potential negative consequences, such as organoleptic problems or, worse still, health problems for pets.

During his talk, Pierre Guichebard, Fermentation Scientist for Symrise's Food Protection Platform, will demonstrate how the use of antifungal derived from the fermentation of plant based substrate can efficiently protect palatants and kibbles against molds and yeasts.

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