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Alcançamos a nossa posição de liderança na indústria global de pet food ajudando os fabricantes a aproveitar ao máximo nossos ingredientes naturais nutritivos.

Nessa jornada, obtivemos expertise significativa em aspectos principais da palatabilidade do pet food, nutrição dos pets e proteção do pet food, além da responsabilidade de gerenciar isso de forma sustentável. Ficaremos felizes em compartilhar nosso conhecimento com você!

Pet food protection

White Paper | Discover the combined power of green tea, rosemary and tocopherols to naturally protect your fats and kibbles.

White Paper

Natural antioxidants, the right choice

Fats and oils highly contribute to pet food nutritional value, texture and palatability. To protect them against oxidation, synthetical antioxidants are widely used in the pet food industry. However, their possible adverse effects on pets’ health increased consumer’s demand for natural antioxidants. 

Videka experts in antioxidation demonstrated that using combinations of green tea extract, rosemary extract and mixed tocopherols constitute a promising solution to naturally protect both fat and kibbles.

Author: Dr Françoise Michel Salaun - Pet Food Protection Research Manager @Symrise Pet Food

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O conteúdo desta página está disponível apenas em inglês.

Pet food protection

White Paper | Discover the combined power of green tea, rosemary and tocopherols to naturally protect your fats and kibbles.

White Paper

Natural antioxidants, the right choice

Fats and oils highly contribute to pet food nutritional value, texture and palatability. To protect them against oxidation, synthetical antioxidants are widely used in the pet food industry. However, their possible adverse effects on pets’ health increased consumer’s demand for natural antioxidants. 

Videka experts in antioxidation demonstrated that using combinations of green tea extract, rosemary extract and mixed tocopherols constitute a promising solution to naturally protect both fat and kibbles.

Author: Dr Françoise Michel Salaun - Pet Food Protection Research Manager @Symrise Pet Food

Want to know more about this White Paper? Contact us here

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O conteúdo desta página está disponível apenas em inglês.

Pet food protection

White Paper | Discover the combined power of green tea, rosemary and tocopherols to naturally protect your fats and kibbles.

White Paper

Natural antioxidants, the right choice

Fats and oils highly contribute to pet food nutritional value, texture and palatability. To protect them against oxidation, synthetical antioxidants are widely used in the pet food industry. However, their possible adverse effects on pets’ health increased consumer’s demand for natural antioxidants. 

Videka experts in antioxidation demonstrated that using combinations of green tea extract, rosemary extract and mixed tocopherols constitute a promising solution to naturally protect both fat and kibbles.

Author: Dr Françoise Michel Salaun - Pet Food Protection Research Manager @Symrise Pet Food

Want to know more about this White Paper? Contact us here

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