Bienvenido a lo que hemos aprendido

Logramos nuestra posición de liderazgo en la industria mundial de pet food ayudando a los fabricantes a aprovechar al máximo nuestros nutritivos ingredientes naturales.

A lo largo del camino, hemos adquirido una importante experiencia en los aspectos clave de la palatabilidad, la nutrición y la protección del pet food, así como en la responsabilidad de gestionarlos de forma sostenible. ¡Estamos felices de compartir nuestro conocimiento contigo!

Pet food palatability

Scientific Poster | From feed intake to body language... discover all the methods to measure cats and dogs preferences

Scientific Poster

Current and innovative methods for assessing pet food preferences with cats and dogs

If classical techniques to measure cats and dogs preferences are based on the analysis of feed intake, numerous new criteria have been recently studied to sharpen the evaluation of pet food palatability.

From feed intake to body language, this poster reviews the different approaches and methods available to assess pet preferences, either with expert or in-home panels.

Authors: E Mehinagic, C Tobie, F Péron, C Forges-Larose @Symrise Pet Food, Elven, France
Results presented at Senseasia 2018, Eurosense 2018, EFFOST 2018

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El contenido de esta página está disponible únicamente en inglés.

Pet food palatability

Scientific Poster | From feed intake to body language... discover all the methods to measure cats and dogs preferences

Scientific Poster

Current and innovative methods for assessing pet food preferences with cats and dogs

If classical techniques to measure cats and dogs preferences are based on the analysis of feed intake, numerous new criteria have been recently studied to sharpen the evaluation of pet food palatability.

From feed intake to body language, this poster reviews the different approaches and methods available to assess pet preferences, either with expert or in-home panels.

Authors: E Mehinagic, C Tobie, F Péron, C Forges-Larose @Symrise Pet Food, Elven, France
Results presented at Senseasia 2018, Eurosense 2018, EFFOST 2018

Want to know more about this poster? Contact us here

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El contenido de esta página está disponible únicamente en inglés.

Pet food palatability

Scientific Poster | From feed intake to body language... discover all the methods to measure cats and dogs preferences

Scientific Poster

Current and innovative methods for assessing pet food preferences with cats and dogs

If classical techniques to measure cats and dogs preferences are based on the analysis of feed intake, numerous new criteria have been recently studied to sharpen the evaluation of pet food palatability.

From feed intake to body language, this poster reviews the different approaches and methods available to assess pet preferences, either with expert or in-home panels.

Authors: E Mehinagic, C Tobie, F Péron, C Forges-Larose @Symrise Pet Food, Elven, France
Results presented at Senseasia 2018, Eurosense 2018, EFFOST 2018

Want to know more about this poster? Contact us here

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El contenido de esta página está disponible únicamente en inglés.

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