Scientific Publication

Where do we stand in the domestic dog (canis familiaris) positive-emotion assessment: a state-of-the-art review and future directions

Although there have been a growing number of studies focusing on dog welfare, the research field concerning dog positive-emotion assessment remains mostly unexplored. However, multiple noninvasive approaches, combining behavioral, cognitive, physiological, endocrine, and neurobiological measures need to be implemented to get a reliable assessment of emotions in dogs.

This paper aims to provide a state-of-the-art review and summary of the scattered and disperse research on dog positive-emotion assessment. 

The review notably details the current advancement in dog positive-emotion research, what approaches, measures, methods, and techniques have been implemented so far in emotion perception, processing, and response assessment. Moreover, we propose possible future research directions for short-term emotion as well as longer-term emotional states assessment in dogs. 

The review ends by identifying and addressing some methodological limitations and by pointing out further methodological research needs.

Frontiers in psychology - September 2020
Authors: Erika Csoltova and Emira Mehinagic, Symrise Pet Food, Elven, France

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